info@hbawc.org (301) 582.8198

19735 Leitersburg Pike Ste A, Hagerstown MD 21742

Grosh’s Lawn Service

We will be honest and dependable, offering reliable, high quality service to all our clients. We will treat you the way we want to be treated. At Grosh’s Lawn Service, we pride ourselves in making your lawn the most beautiful in the neighborhood. It isn’t enough for us to simply maintain your property; we’re passionate about making it the best it can be.

We offer year-round, full-service outdoor maintenance and landscape construction in Hagerstown and the surrounding area, for clients who are looking for top quality.

Contact Grosh’s Lawn Service

    The Home Builders Association of Washington County (HBAWC) has been producing its annual Home Show for 32 years. Originally started as a vehicle to showcase the builder members of the Association, the Show has grown to feature any product or service related to the building industry and the home.

    The Home Builders Association of Washington County offers a vast variety of benefits to all of their members within our community. These benefits promote individual business advocacy, education and networking opportunities to establish a stronger business community.

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